
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sinless Cocktails & Milagro Tequila Review

So the wonderful people over at Sinless Cocktails had sent me some free samples to try and blog about. So here's what I thought!

So biggest FAQ-
Q: What exactly are Sinless Cocktails mixers?
A: Our Sinless Cocktail mixers are non-alcoholic mixers that are All Natural, Sugar Free and have ONLY 5 Calories per serving sweetened with Stevia Extract! Other similar cocktail mixers on the market have anywhere from 60-80 calories for the same serving size.

My Pros:
  • um 5 calories per serving duh! Move over Bethenny (From their FAQ page: Did you know that an average glass of the "Skinny Margarita" mix has about 24 grams of sugar? Seriously! That doesn't sound very skinny to us. How much sugar does an average glass of the Sinless Margarita mix have? ZERO of course.  24 grams of sugar vs. 0 grams of sugar? We don't know about you, but we think it may be time to rethink the meaning of skinny.)
  • their design/name is catchy and fun
  • variety of mixers- Margarita, Strawberry Margarita and Sour Mix
  • all ingredients listed are pronounceable and you know what they are
  • no need to add anything except the alcohol
  • you can make SO many different drinks with just these three mixers- go check out their recipes on the website!
My Cons:
  • it was a bit on the sweet side for me (the Margarita Mixer)- but then I just added more tequila ;)
  • needs to be kept refrigerated- now this is a pro and a con- reason it needs to be kept refrigerated all the time (con) is because of the all natural ingredients they use (pro).  They say that keeping the mix refrigerated will help maintain the mix's flavor, color and taste.  I asked them what if it was left out of the fridge for a while and they said the mix is still good- but it might alter the flavors a tad bit.
  • I really can't say anything else- they have an awesome product!

I love the concept and the people over at Sinless are awesome- and Sorry again guys for taking just about forever to right this blog. 

So go check out their Website
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I also just want to comment on the tequila I purchased.

Milagro Tequila is my new fav. It is a great quality and was cheaper than the higher end tequila that EVERYONE thinks is the best.  I like to get behind stuff like this- good quality that doesn't need every artist singing about to be good.

Honestly all tequila tastes similar to me- but this was smooth (but still has a bite to it- because it IS tequila after all).  Another important factor is that it didn't give me the wretched hangover like other tequilas, or really any hangover at all.  The bottle design is amazing (on all of their lines!)-it has a cork top-super surprised about that! Straight awesomeness! Just go look at their line of tequilas. I cannot wait to try the coconut one. 

Maybe they'll send me some samples too ;)

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