
Friday, May 11, 2012

My First Blog Award!

My first award! Woohoo! I was super surpised! Thanks Erika over at Southern Girl's Kitchen ! Go check out her site- her food looks amazing! Send up some of that Sweet Georgia Whiskey to me in NY! ;)

I just love showing love to smaller bloggers! We all have such a passion for what we do!

Apparently there are rules to this award...

  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award Presenter on your blog by mentioning them and linking back to their blog.
  2. Copy and paste the blog award and rules.
  3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
  4. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.
  5. Share 5 random facts about yourself.
The 5 blog with under 200 followers I chose are:

  • Cooking from a Stay at Home Mom She is a dedicated blogger and mom!
  • Cupcakes and Kale Chips (not sure how many followers) but gotta give love to another Brianne, and her cupcakes look amazing.
  • The Corner Kitchen have to give love to another NYC blogger. Her about me- sounds like me, sit at a desk all day working with numbers but can't wait to get some and cook something!
  • I Can Cook That I agree and am in love with Kaitlin's idea of that you CAN learn to cook! Her photos are amazing as well!
  • A Healthy Jalapeno Love me some jalapenos from the get go- but I swear I feel like Laura and I could be bff- we both have an amazing fam, love (and ownership) of puppies, love of outdoor activities, plus football fans. One of my newest favorite blogs!

5 random facts about me?

  1. Took me 8 years to finally graduate college
  2. I have younger twin sisters and one older sister (and we all don't look anything alike)
  3. I can't get enough of summer, citrus, flip flops, sundresses etc
  4. Im getting married in August 2013 and love the process of planning it
  5. A couple years ago my (now) fiance bought me a motorcycle for my birthday


  1. Thanks so much!! Your photos are rocking too!

  2. Congratulations on your bloggy award :) I agree - bloggy love for smaller bloggers is definitely important.
